Guitar Amplifier 30 Watt

Code: CG30
Availability: In Stock
  • 30 Watt Guitar Amp
  • Headphone Output for Practice
  • Switchable Clean and Drive Channels
  • Classic Styling
Classically styled 30W guitar combo in a vinyl covered cabinet with metal corner protectors and basket-weave style grille cloth.

The front control panel is recessed with retro "chicken-head" control knobs and additional features for Gain, EQ and outputs. Custom solid-state circuitry is voiced to produce authentic vintage-style clean and driven tones.
Power Supply: 220-250Vac, 50/60Hz
Power: 30W
Speaker: 10"
Dimensions: 410 x 380 x 200mm
Weight: 12.5Kg
Jack To Jack Lead Mono